Monday, December 13, 2010

Games-Role Playing and Otherwise


I play games. I play all kinds of games. I don't play many video games but I play card games, board games, role playing games, war games and more. And I play them cause I want to not only cause I have three kids in the home.

Games are not evil. That statement will come as a surprise to some of you for one reason or another. Some will say, why would you even have to say that since games are of course not evil. Others will say, well some games are evil. Hear me now, Games are not evil.

Gambling is not evil. Drinking is not evil. Drugs are not evil. I know, I'm probably offending your sensibilities and some who have recovered from strong addictions would want to say that drugs are evil. However, it just isn't so. People are evil and the things they do are sometimes evil actions. However, the things they use to do the actions are not inherently evil.

Evil spirits

The dagger that the evil priest uses for his sacrifices is not inherently evil. Now, be aware that evil can cling to objects and evil spirits are often attracted by the things used for evil acts even long after. However, their target is clearly people not things. So, it's not worth making things that have been used for evil seem light weight.

Games are not evil

That being said, I stick by my above statements about games which may have at times been used for evil, gambling as an over-indulgence as an example, drinking etc.

Role Playing
So, to sum it up. I play games and they are not evil. Even Dungeons and Dragons (TM) which has gotten such a bad wrap, Magic the Gathering (TM) which has a name that sounds wicked, and others like them are not evil. The people that play them who are not Christians are not more evil than any non-Christians. The people who play them who are Christians are Righteous because of the Blood of Christ.

Evil anti-games

So, what about the people who bash them, protest them, burn their kids' game books because they believe their kids are getting into something evil. Sorry, guys but this is evil. I say that because God does not want us to go through life ignorant and acting out of our ignorance but aware and acting out of our awareness. Even over-cautiousness which some people say is the right way to go because we are "trying to be Holy" is a sin against God. We have not been given a Spirit of fear.

If you have ever hurt a person because they innocently played games you should seek forgiveness from God. If you have ever argued with a person about the evil nature of these things without getting real answers you should seek forgiveness from God and them.

Games, Gamers, Gaming

"Gamers" often treat each other with more respect than Christians do. People are often accepted into a group with open arms and welcomed kindly. This doesn't happen in a lot of churches I know. I'm not saying their saved-that happens only in Christ. It is a free gift from Him after which there are works He has set aside for us to do. That being said, we should stop calling these things evil and the people who play them occultists and recognize that we could learn something from them. Ouch.

Games, Gamers, Gaming
Okay, if your a gamer and you're reading this-now it's your turn to be challenged. Gamers often game far to much. They sometimes block out huge chunks of time, especially video gamers (sorry) and just play games. This doesn't make life better for anyone. It's selfish when there are people in the world who are hurting and you could do something about it. Games can be addictive (you know this) and that's not funny. Going to bed with your eyes burning or dreaming about what goes on in the game excessively is not healthy.

Gamers and Junk Food

Oh, and what is with all the junk food? I know. It tastes good, but there is something to be said about self-control. Too much money is sometimes poured into this stuff as well. There is a proper use for wealth. The Bible says it is to give out of your abundance to those who have need. Think about changing your priorities and helping someone out financially and I don't mean by buying them a game. Please consider that your recreation (like any other enjoyable facet of life) may be getting out of control.

What people really need is Christ. He is willing to give himself to you. He is real and He has expectations. Anyone reading this who is not in a Bible Teaching church should get there. While gaming is not evil-Life itself is no game! One day there will be no more chances and we will all stand before God and answer for the works we have done during this life time. At that time you will need a strong advocate and the only advocate that will suffice will be Jesus.

Games, Gamers, and reality

I play games but I know the difference between games and reality (anyone who has a hard time with this should not play games) and I know when to take things seriously. Below is the simple checklist for the most important thing in this life. Do these things...

1 Admit that you have made mistakes. 2 Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for our sins. 3 Ask Him to save you and to lead you for the remainder of your life. 4. Tell someone about your decision. 5. Get in fellowship at a Bible-based church.

Pastor Dan

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