Friday, December 10, 2010

Places, please...

The art of putting things in their places is a life skill with benefits that can not be denied.

Start by figuring out where something belongs and then do the simple thing: Put it there. Would it be worth it to exert yourself? Sure. In fact, like most things in life, how much you exert yourself should be weighed against the risks and the benefits.
the benefits of putting things in there proper places include but are not limited to:

1) You'll know where to find stuff. Let's face it, the last thing we need is lots more stuff to remember. So, put things in their proper places and then when the time comes they are needed-they will be where you can find them

2) You'll experience less moments of scattered thought and moments of asking yourself what was I doing again? These problems seem common for everyone and they do undermine your confidence. Defeat this wandering problem by knowing where to look and by where you are why you are there.

3) Relationships between things work out better when the things are in their proper place. Relationships between people work out better when people know that the mutually shared understanding between them makes them both/all more productive.

4) Things in their proper place are generally safer and tend to last more than things left lying about. When a thing is something in your way (because it has not been put where it belongs) you may even damage it yourself rather than take the time to move it while you are otherwise occupied or stressed.

St John is not only a name for the apostle who wrote some of the Bible. Also, he discoverd, or innvented, or otherwise earned the right to put his name on a root. It is called St John's Root, not ot be confused with St. John's foot which is not available in pill form (or any other form for that matter.) anyway, St. John's root is a mild mood stabilized, occurs naturally (at pharmacies and health food stores,) and is homeophathic which means you can usually take it without throwing your system into turmoil-Consult your doctor on whether it may interact with any medecines you may have been find yourself taking on a regular basis. That being said, the stuff is amild anti-depresant (the bootle says) and my mood is improved by taking it with my daily vitamins. I am not a doctor and the only thing that gives me the right to suggest anything in the way of vitamins or health choices is.... Well farnkly, I have not right at all but I have already typed it now and my delete key is sooo far away. Do some research and check it out.

Anyway, where was I?

Here's what's interesting: All of these principles apply to non-physical things as well as physical things.

God: Belongs on top, in charge, above everything etc.
Wife: To husband, first place after God.
Husband: To wife, first place after God.
Children: To parents, First place after God and Spouse as long as spouse is not intentionally ignoring God.
Job: Very important, first place after God, Spouse, and children and since provides for family SOMETIMES seems like first place after God for short periods of time.
Mourning: Very important for period of time after significant loss.
Recreation: Not first place but not forgotten.
Physical fitness: Scheduled in and properly emphasized to provide for health.
The YMCA rocks! I especially like the 'C' and the weight room.
Drugs: Prescribed or available without prescription only and a last resort.
Pets: Should be a form of recreation but at the same time require lots of care and attention. be sure you are prepared for the commitment before you surrender to the cuteness (which debatably lasts by the way.)

I could go on but, you can see how we can avoid huge amounts of stress by simply sorting our lives. Just the same as not allowing the walk areas of your home to stay clear causes stress so does not removing the clutter from your emotional, psychological, and Spiritual life.

One guiding principle for all things-Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (I say this is His reign in your life) and all these things will be added unto you.

Pastor Dan

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