Friday, July 19, 2024

One Live Program banned in Russia available in our app and on our podcast platform

 Here is the link for the podcast that was banned in Russia. It was officially for copyright reasons but it could certainly be something more sinister. 

Thanks for listening, following, and sharing, especially to any of your Russian friends who will not be able to get it on Facebook. 

These podcasts are also in our app on the front page life4toledo

Also on Alexa and Siri as New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church of East Toledo but it's hard to get a specific episode that way

We also have an audio program called life for Toledo which is available everywhere and consists of short encouraging messages (90 seconds or so.)

Pastor Dan

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Taking A Stand is Important, But...


I love this message.

P. Dan

God is the God of Status April 24th, 2024

Many times we see in Scripture that God reverses the positions of people by His will. He makes the rich poor. He makes the poor rich. He makes the strong weak and the weak strong. He does these things in His time and for His purposes. Of course, because He is a good God, He only does these things for ultimate good even if we don't understand it. Godly men trust Him always and even realize that things are not always as they appear. He will lift you up in time no matter what you think your status currently is. He will bring the proud to their knees just the same. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess but those who do so willingly now can trust that He will wield the sword of justice perfectly. Moreover, He will deliver grace to the humble which means salvation. His arm is not short and His power is not limited. He has done it and He will do it. Eventually, He will do it once and for all. Trust the Lord. FWM continues to grow. Please tell any Christian men that they can text FWM to 419.419.0095 to be added

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

From July 5th, 2024: ASA On Sunday

Sunday during the sermon time at New Heights we will be diving into the second sermon of our series on Asa, king of Judah. In the first segment which is available on Facebook and as an audio program on (also on the front page of the life4toledo app and Siri or Alexa under New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church to East Toledo podcast-we talked about people getting stuck in the "pre-flight Checks," which is to say there may be a lot of people who think they are "Christian" and in the hall inside the house, when they are in fact still standing on the stoop.  The equation that says that if a person seeks the Lord, he or she will be blessed is surely true but the equation that if a person seeks the Lord, the Lord will show Himself to them is all the more important. Going after God isn't enough but receiving Him through Christ is always enough. In part two Asa actually begins to walk with the Lord (so it seems) but is there a problem? Will ASA stay the course and begin to fly level? Part three will be July 14th with Asa either landing or crashing as He supposedly continues to follow the Lord in faithfulness. Please consider joining us, bring your Bible, pen and paper, and maybe a friend as we take a look as this famous king of Judah and learn from his successes and his mistakes. #reachingwheightsjnjesus
P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Keys and locks of Prayer

At new Heights we have been going through the 10 keys and 10 locks of prayer from the Kendricks book that was generated surrounding the movie war room. Even though I've been through these 20 pieces previously I have really enjoyed going through them with the church. The input of passionate people in the room as we puzzle out these topics and how God uses them to glorify Himself and to support us, has been amazing. 

I reflect now on how there is almost nothing as encouraging to a pastor as when a growing believer in their congregation asks significant questions about how they can apply the lesson being taught to their own lives. 

I'm not a huge fan of bread and butter anymore. Of course I really enjoy it when the bread is homemade or substantive. However, when the bread is that sugar-packed, block-store variety, even if I enjoy the taste, all I can think about is how they take everything good out of it to pasteurize it and then add vitamins back in that are less digestible and the whole mess is packed with a bunch of useless calories delivered via sugar. For a moment, I begin to think I am living in the matrix and the bread is not real. 

The bread is a lie. (I'm not sure how many will get this reference.)

So, I'm not that big on bread and butter anymore. 

Bread and butter used to be a staple. 

So, to say this is my bread and butter used to mean, the thing is a pillar to me. The thing is essential and it makes me generally better. In my life at least, bread and butter has lost this position. But now that I've spent a couple of paragraphs on explaining what bread and butter could be, I'm pretty sure you will understand the following statement. 

Congregation members genuinely and aggressively interacting with the lesson is a pastor's bread and butter. It doesn't pay my bills but it pumps me up in a way that nothing else can. 

On days when I could give up. And I suppose that's many days...

On days when I could give up, thoughts of congregation members or even visitors being radically transformed by God's grace as they interact with lesson that God is using me to teach, sustain me. 

Do I need it? Has God not called me to continue regardless of how people respond? Why, yes indeed. He has called me to continue regardless of my own feelings. 

But He is a good god. I sense his love in the encouragement that comes from a congregation member or a visitor delving deep into the truths of God. I am reminded that God is a life changer. He is a gentle and yet mighty, a holy and just, and yet gracious, giver of good gifts 

So, what I am saying is that it occurs to me that one of the great gifts that God gives to pastors, the gift that fills up the gift of a congregation member exhibiting a desire to grow that goes beyond just showing up. 

Don't get me started talking about showing up. My feelings on that topic may be heard loud and clear in a lesson I taught entitled, Don't Stay Home.. You can listen to it on or on Alexa or Siri but neither of them are very good at finding a specific episode from our audio program which is about 250 episodes long. The easiest way to find it would probably be in a life4Toledo app or maybe by searching it on Google. 

To share a synopsis here would make this blog even longer. Or, would it?

Thank you Jesus. 
P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

Treating Others Accordingly

 1 Peter 3:7 NASB1995

[7] You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

This verse has obvious implications for married men of God but there are also  less obvious and equally important implications for all men of God. I imagine these go far beyond what I might list. But, here are a couple  that come to mind in general. Christian men are called to be discerning, treating someone "weaker" with  understanding. This runs contrary to present human thinking as the weak get assigned systems to help them and are largely put aside by the strong. Note: It does not mean that women are weaker inherently, God makes it clear by his choice of words in Genesis that actually women are equal or stronger helpmates as God himself is (the same word for helpmates being used elsewhere referring to God)  Additionally, this verse implies that how we treat the weaker among us, reflects on our character and concern for the things of God. While the command is expressly that a man also respect and serve.his wife as commanded, the extension is that a man may interfere with his own prayer life by his choice of conduct. Yes, saved by grace and remaining saved the same way, all things being now permissable, man must rightly avoid damaging his relationship with God through disrespecting others. God cherishes them as well, they are made in His image as well, Christ in us yearns for their blessing and more. 

Friday, April 14, 2023



There is an underdog, he fights for what he believes in, he has continued to stand up against a system he sees as unfair, he will never change, resisting to the very end against what he sees as an oppressive overlord even until he is finally caught and will spend the remainder of his life in torment but will never yield before then despite the obvious fact that he cannot win. 

Sounds good, right? It sounds like the kind of tenacity that humans value. In fact, in some lesser way many would choose to emulate him, wouldn't they? Might they be inspired to rebel against perceived injustice? Might they be inspired to stand for their beliefs and to do so against all odds based on this account alone? Is he not courageous according to this account? 

The devil is an underdog, he fights for what he believes in (his rights to kill, steal, and destroy, his rights to rule and the tainted, wicked worship of the human race towards the false God's he ordains), he has continued to stand up against a system he sees as unfair (humans being  allowed access to God and the good things of life, a system that places him below God's human creation man), he will never change (He will be evil always and the father of lies), resisting to the very end against what he sees as an opressive overlord (God who is love) even until Satan is finally once and for all put down and will spend the remainder of his life in torment but will never yield before then, devouring as many as he can, luring humans into his traps and all this despite the obvious fact that he cannot win. 

I am an underdog. Amongst the human race, and faced with opposition like demons and the world's system. I stand up for my beliefs and I stand up against a system warped by Satan's hatred of God and people's confused emulation of him. I will never change. I have been regenerated by the God of heaven and His Holy Spirit and if I change at all, it will be to be more like Jesus. I will resist even unto my death the tactics of Satan and my true enemies. This I will do knowing that if Jesus does not come again before my time, I will die for my Lord but I will not spend eternity in torment rather I will spend it with God in the place he is preparing for me. This I will do knowing despite any losses I may take, I cannot lose!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Keep Your Word

It is possible to just keep your word. You can do what you said you would do. If what you are considering promising to do is limited by what somebody else does or by circumstances then either don't promise or be very clear that keeping your promise will be dependent upon what someone else does or other circumstances. God's design for a man is that when we say we will do something we will do it. A promise not kept is a lie. However, not making any promises is not healthy either. Jesus was saying don't add anything to your promises to make people believe that you're going to do what you say. Just keep your word. Sometimes it may cost you a lot because you didn't foresee a sticking point. But your word is worth it. Be God's man and let your yes be yes and your no be no, don't add to it to try to get people to believe you, and then live a life that is strong evidence that you will always keep your word. Be determined, be trustworthy, and most important of all, be found faithful. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

God Sets the Standard of Righteousness

Wickedness and righteousness are decided by God. True righteousness comes through Jesus Christ. But here the Psalmist was saying if we are righteous we have reason to celebrate. So, when you catch yourself doing right be reminded how awesome God our creator is. He made you awesome. You can do right when all the world is choosing to do wrong. Then, you can celebrate just how awesome he made you even if trials arise out of your intentionally making the right choice. As God's men, let's let God set the standard of righteousness and then live accordingly. We will then have great reasons to celebrate. Suggest other men text FWM to 419.419.0095 to receive ongoing encouraging texts for Christian men or simply forward them this text. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

Blessed as God's Man

God's men are blessed. When you see the old testament word "blessed" it is tied to God speaking good things about or of the thing that is said to be blessed . Can you imagine that God would speak good of us? And when He does so, good things happen of course. So, let us be God's men, fearing the Lord and delighting in His commandments. He's got power, so much power that only a fool who deceives himself would not fear (respect) Him. His commands are not only backed up by His power but they are what's best AND they are aimed at taking us to somewhere wonderful He has planned. The fact is, we  cannot get to that wonderful destination He had planned for us by any other means. What difference should it make them, if His commands take us through somewhere difficult since He will be with us and see us through to the other side? Texting FWM to 419.419.0095 will sign any man up for this service.

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

Monday, April 10, 2023

Choosing what you stand for

Some will be crucifying and some will be casting lots for the goods. Both are betrayers. One is doing their perceived duty and the other is reaping benefits of the wickedness that is going on in the world during their day. They couldn't stop Jesus from being crucified but they didn't have to benefit in worldly goods by his suffering either. Sometimes we'd be better off vexed. Stand up for what's right but when there is nothing that you can do it's okay to just be angry and sad and call out to God. Seems like it would always be better if we don't benefit by the side-effects of wickedness. There are plenty of ways to do an honest, hard Day's work or to exercise your creativity to get ahead in the world without competing for the trappings of wickedness. #reachingnewheightsinjesus by

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
text NHFBCT to 49775 to get free right now media

Friday, March 3, 2023

A Narrow Road of Caring

 A narrow road is a road that could be easy to wander off of. Have you ever tried to walk down a long narrow hallway with your eyes shut. The way our eyes adjust our path constantly is a really important piece of how we get from point A to point B. Whenever we start to wander in the slightest we can see the variance almost subconsciously and adjustments are made. 

In Matthew 7:13 Jesus is speaking and this whole thing is during the sermon on the mount and he says. Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 

This statement follows right on the golden rule about treating others as you would have them treat you. This golden run has a pre-clause and  post-clause. The pre-clause is a therefore and I'll talk about that in a second. I'll do it third but in a second. The second clause which is a post-clause is a statement that says that this is the Law and the prophets. In other word, this is what God was teaching us to do. It does not break the law and does not go contrary to God's purposes. That would be enough. 

The pre-clause is a therefore and tells us why we do that. Why does it make perfect sense to treat others the way we want to be treated? It is because we can see that God will give us what is good when we ask Him. This we can see because we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our own children. 

The road then, which makes perfect sense and fulfills the law and the profits (thanks to Jesus) is to treat others as we would have them treat us AND with that to be VERY intentional and to put in significant effort to get it done. Because you belong to God, your situation is in His hand and because that is so you can walk a narrow road. There is an alternative that is proposed by many who do not trust God and frankly, if I did not trust God I would need to take matters in my own hands (which I would likely screw up quite often). You can work very diligently to treat others as you would like to be treated. You can be loving and kind. Even you can work very hard at it because you are safe. Safe in God's care is a good place to be. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

 I was burned out. I was stuck. God led me to figure things out. This is how He did it. Get some people in your life who are also trying to listen to God and reach new heights in Jesus and if you need a little coaching, I might be able to help. I am nobody, really. But, God is everything and together we might be able to submit to Him as we should. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Act like men


This is one of my favorite verses to remind me that God made me able and I can stand firm. It doesn't mean be hard. It means love unending. Feel free to tell other men about FWM. They can text FWM to 419-419-0005 to join.

There are significant differences between men and women. I'm not going to speak to the differences except to say men should be men. Be on the alert-pay attention, heads up, something is happening. Your response to whatever happens around you must be to stand firm as a follower of Christ. We can love and love more deeply because we are strong in Christ. Indeed this new command which Jesus gave us remains. And accordingly we remain if we walk in love. Real men don't quit. We don't quit loving. We don't quit standing. We don't quit following Jesus. 

The spoiled rotten stubbornness we had a lost person was just our unability to quit standing warped by the devastating effects of the Fall. Your tantrums have no place here but your loving perseverance will serve as constant proof to yourself and to watching world that you are a man and a man following Christ. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Southside Life Station a Summary and a Plea

The South Side Life Station is doing an amazing work in and around Toledo, Ohio. Please spread this literally everywhere as we need all the help we can get. Donate Here: Volunteer Application: Are you in need of Encouragement? Sign up for encouragement Calls Here: Need Food in the Toledo area? Buy books from Fog and Moon? Visit Amaldan Inc. for other interesting ways to support the kingdom advance: Listen to Life 4 Toledo Podcast: Listen to New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church Podcast: Give via text: LSGIVE to 419.419.0095 to give by credit or debit card. Regular Mail: Checks can be mailed to: Life Station Po Box 962 Toledo Ohio 43697 Or New Heights Fellowship 255 Heffner St. Toledo Ohio 43605

Friday, August 20, 2021

Faith over Fear

 We are individually equal because we are individually unique. You can actually be different from every other person by letting the power of God flow thru your experiences, background, and borders. God set these things up so that you might look around for Him. (Acts 17) and having found Him realize He was never far away at all. 

Courage and wisdom are the two sharp edges of a mighty sword that will carve a swath through the enemies of justice and mercy in this day. Flowery I know, but the bottom line is: God's people are supposed to be courageous and wise. Fear Not. Do what you have to do but set the standard as what God says you have to do, not what someone-anyone else says.   
Whether it is New Heights Fellowship Baptists Church of East Toledo or not, you are meant to function as part of a local body of believers. One of our Personal Trainers may be able to help you sort out which body, what is a body and what isn't, or you may just want to listen to the voice of God and let Him point you in the right direction. We are willing. He is patient. But it's time.  

 Worshipping with other believers is just one of many things that we simply miust do and the fact is that wearing a mask all the time, praciticing social distancing, and other COVID enforced activities has caused a side effect of people becoming more distant and less friendly. We MUST not go down that road. 

We must be the embodiment of our father's love and we must be actively learning better how to do so every day. He will bless us as we pour ourselves out for kingdom causes. We must brook no excues and instead choose to live with complete adn unwavering loyalty to our Go adn one another. Love! HUgs must happen, be careful if you must, but hug. Gifts must happen, be cautious but give. Service must happen Be cautious if you want but never, ever quit Denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following daily after Jesus!
Please accept the truth about Jesus Christ and begin anew today to live your life for Him. Then be wise and Courageous in Christ with response to Covid-19 and every other threat that comes along.

Hope to See ya Sunday,

Pastor Daniel R. Stevenson

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Already at work

As I wake up in the morning with the sun streaming through my bedroom window I hear the birds chirping. They are already hard at a day's work finding worms and twigs for nests. They have already eaten breakfast. They do not judge me for having slept in which is good because maybe in my book I am rising early. 

It's the notion that they are already hard at work that catches my mind. I vaguely remember a movie, a John Wayne movie. It seems that at the end of the movie they weren't sure exactly how to close it out. The Hero had triumphed and the wagon train was continuing West. John Wayne told the director he knew just what to do. 

In the final scene of the movie created by John Wayne's authorship, John Wayne's character is sitting at a small round wooden table in the corner of some bar. And unseen character, a voice familiar to those who have been watching the entire story, asks the question, "So, what now?" John Wayne's character stands up and monologues. The gist of that monologue is this.

I don't know for sure where we're going now or what's going to happen but one thing I do know for sure. When we get there we will find God has already been there and is already hard at work. Fade scene. 

So, that's the beginning of my day. I can't say I know exactly where it's going to go but I know I'll find God there already working. If God eats breakfast then it would be safe to say he's already eaten. If I simply follow his leading and trust him and his preparations then I can know in my heart of hearts that everything has been taken care of. 

I thank Him as my head leaves my pillow. I have a lot to thank him for and I can never do a good enough job but he seems to like it because every time I get up and head into the unknown of my day I find he has already been hard at work and I am always pleased with his craftsmanship.

So, let's get up and see what God has been working on. Ooh, maybe He'll let us help.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 It's true the church has a number of issues-not the least of which is we all come from bad stock. Well, not really. We come from Jesus now but before that we came from bad stock.

 Okay, so, sorry Mom and Dad. It's not that you are bad or that you were not good for me. Well, actually it is that you were bad but don't take it personally. I mean, we were all bad, right? 

So, maybe my parents were absolutely perfect and I'm just a dirt bag that fell far from the tree. But, the bottom line is-I wasn't a good man. How I got there doesn't matter all that much but it seems to be the disposition (the Bible calls it flesh nature) of all people. 

Since coming to Christ, Since believing and being recreated, we're better. Still, it seems like having come so far, we have so far to go. We are complete but even in our completeness we seem to find every way to emphasize our lack. 

Our righteousness is found in Him alone and as the door to the sheep fold he guards us but we still have in here with us what we brought in - which is us. An old us and better- a new us but 'us' none-the-less. 

The problem with the church is people. That's why we needed to be born again. Well, in all fairness it is only one of the reasons but here we are born again and fondly reminiscent sometimes of who we were. Be new, we teach. That old guy though, he wasn't so bad was he?

Your righteousness is as filthy rags. Yep, that's bad. 

The church is the people among whom people are authorized to leave their old self behind. It is us cutting out the bad behaviors one at a time and if there are some we never get around to, well, so be it. It is us knowing that we are better together than alone. It is so easy to buy the lie that you are better off alone. But, it is just that. It is a lie. 

We are precious living stones, flaws and all, being built into a precious temple in which He lives. 

Let us mess up. Let us fall, fail, flirt with temptation when we shouldn't, and barely make it another day to do the kingdom work. Let us do all that and more as a bunch of screw ups who love God back as we have discovered He loves us. That works for me. 

It's His righteousness that saves, not mine. 

Thank God for the church.