Tuesday, April 11, 2023

God Sets the Standard of Righteousness

Wickedness and righteousness are decided by God. True righteousness comes through Jesus Christ. But here the Psalmist was saying if we are righteous we have reason to celebrate. So, when you catch yourself doing right be reminded how awesome God our creator is. He made you awesome. You can do right when all the world is choosing to do wrong. Then, you can celebrate just how awesome he made you even if trials arise out of your intentionally making the right choice. As God's men, let's let God set the standard of righteousness and then live accordingly. We will then have great reasons to celebrate. Suggest other men text FWM to 419.419.0095 to receive ongoing encouraging texts for Christian men or simply forward them this text. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

P. Daniel Stevenson
Pastor New Heights Fellowship
Director Southside Life Station
app: life4toledo
text INFO to 419.419.0095 for updates
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