Friday, April 14, 2023



There is an underdog, he fights for what he believes in, he has continued to stand up against a system he sees as unfair, he will never change, resisting to the very end against what he sees as an oppressive overlord even until he is finally caught and will spend the remainder of his life in torment but will never yield before then despite the obvious fact that he cannot win. 

Sounds good, right? It sounds like the kind of tenacity that humans value. In fact, in some lesser way many would choose to emulate him, wouldn't they? Might they be inspired to rebel against perceived injustice? Might they be inspired to stand for their beliefs and to do so against all odds based on this account alone? Is he not courageous according to this account? 

The devil is an underdog, he fights for what he believes in (his rights to kill, steal, and destroy, his rights to rule and the tainted, wicked worship of the human race towards the false God's he ordains), he has continued to stand up against a system he sees as unfair (humans being  allowed access to God and the good things of life, a system that places him below God's human creation man), he will never change (He will be evil always and the father of lies), resisting to the very end against what he sees as an opressive overlord (God who is love) even until Satan is finally once and for all put down and will spend the remainder of his life in torment but will never yield before then, devouring as many as he can, luring humans into his traps and all this despite the obvious fact that he cannot win. 

I am an underdog. Amongst the human race, and faced with opposition like demons and the world's system. I stand up for my beliefs and I stand up against a system warped by Satan's hatred of God and people's confused emulation of him. I will never change. I have been regenerated by the God of heaven and His Holy Spirit and if I change at all, it will be to be more like Jesus. I will resist even unto my death the tactics of Satan and my true enemies. This I will do knowing that if Jesus does not come again before my time, I will die for my Lord but I will not spend eternity in torment rather I will spend it with God in the place he is preparing for me. This I will do knowing despite any losses I may take, I cannot lose!

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