Tuesday, April 26, 2011

God's care

To God be the glory!

What an awesome weekend we had! God gave us the weather we prayed for and people turned out. Thank you thank you Thank you!

We had tons of volunteers and lots of friends and family come to give glory to God through the march of the crosses and the free block party following. I've actually never seen anything quite like it.

The mission team from little flock was awesome and they not only worked hard but gave all glory to GOD!

Several persons gave their lives to Christ. We served 500 hot dogs, approximately a thousand sticks of cotton candy, several hundred sno cones, and gave away lots of door prizes (love in tangible form.) This was all for the glory of God. Think about the service hours and the kindness and gentleness of those were there for no other reason than to give of themselves. Go God!

Pastor Dan


Patrick Grady said...

I honestly don't think I have ever had a better time meeting new people,talking about God, watching people come to Christ then I did at the crosswalk GOD IS SO GOOD

Pastor Dan said...

Here it comes again!