Saturday, October 18, 2014

Needs Versus Wants

Thinking about needs met On the 17th of October I sat on the swing in my back yard and thought about how my every need is essentially met. I have lived on this side of the line, the line of having no unmet needs for a long time. In fact, it has been since I accepted Christ. There are just a few real needs in the world. They are the things you would strive for, ache for, if you were stuck in the mountains after a plain crash. They are food, shelter, warmth, clothing, salvation, and loosely, companionship. When you get saved you get the last two permanently. Overcoming evil My team runs a compassion ministry that inserts food and clothing into the lives of the needy. We teach them life skills and give them a place to reach out to when they are in trouble. We call it overcoming evil. See If we are overcoming evil then these evils have been overcome in my life for some time. Still, at times I perceive that I am in need, though I now see that more often than not this is perception not reality. Desires So, then the evil that disqualifies me from absolute contentment is my own desire to have something more than what the Lord has given me. Do I trust Him or not? Now, I am not proposing we stop working for things, to change things, to make our situation and the situation of others better. I absolutely do not believe in a lazy gospel. What I am saying is that we work with another goal in mind. In God's kingdom things go backwardsly-yes I know that's not a word. Here it is. We are saved. We have a destination. Now, we should live accordingly to make our lives line up with our destination. If we shall be that way then, what manner of people should we be now? Born Again In being changed we find ourselves and our methods changed. Make's perfect sense. The more we discover this, being changed as we are changed, the more we are able to ferret out the perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 Man! God is so good. Even when I think I have an unmet need He is busy meeting my real need which is more of Him in me. Contemplate needs versus wants Stop and think. Which of the needs listed above are you lacking in? If you are homeless then do something about it. Let God help you do something about it. Let the people of God help you do something about it. Let's say you have food, clothing, shelter, warmth, clothing, and being saved you have salvation and companionship. Cry out to Jesus! Then when you throw back your head and cry out to God as in Psalm 56:9, do so not for the things you want that are not actually needs but for the needs of others who desperately need these needs met. It's time we got satisfied about the things that we should be satisfied about and got busy fixing the problems of this world. That would be His will done, His kingdom come. Pastor Daniel Stevenson Think Again: Finding Happiness... How To Be a Great GM: Role Playing... Aubrey’s Run: Adventures...

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