When you are walking in faith and fairly regularly seeing God do things that are almost to awesome to be believed except that they are just true, you stop wondering whether God will continue to remove barriers and do amazing things but. You wonder instead where the incredible thing will come from this time. You think, Well it has to be somewhere that will bring God the necessary Glory. It will be someone or something that there can be no other explanation except that God did it.
You may know what you think the need is but you begin to wonder after only a slight delay whether even that is correct.
I lost my keys last week, As I searched and searched for them I began to second guess myself as to where I had seen them last and how I could possibly have remembered things so inaccurately that I really had no idea at all where they might be.
Then I was searching even the most ridiculous places for the lost keys when there was such a small likelihood that they would turn up that way that I should really have restricted my search to those areas that made sense and I could not because I had lost the trust in myself.
Ultimately the keys were found in a place where I might have suspected but they had been covered by something that I had not move in the original losing of the keys or in the finding and searching.
The bottom line is you van look and look and the more you look the more you are likely to begin to doubt. Soon you are thinking the thing may not come at all. Rather, I think we should focus ourselves on the things that God has done and His blessings and spend time recalling past victories in his strength. This seems like the best course and seems that we will less likely begin to doubt and we know what the bible says about that....