Some things really stick in your mind. pictures of things that you wish you'd never seen, Pain from lost loved ones, betrayals from loved ones who you thought you could trust. I could go on but I think you get the point.
What are the good things in life? They are the things that last. It occurs to me that people last, money doesn't. Even memories last longer than thrills.
Being a good citizen has its merit. Tonight I got pulled over on the way to take my broken down project car to the shop to see if it's fixable. The plates were expired cause the mechanic allegedly killed his girlfriend or something and I couldn't get the car back-didn't now if I ever would. Anyway, the plates were expired but I didn't get a ticket cause by and large I'm the good guy-I guess. Also, at the dinner, I ate near to last and my food was not only still hot, it tasted Soo good.
How do you want to be remembered? I get now that I am crazy by the world's standards and I hope it always remains that way. We have dreams and we are not sure if we are getting any closer to them or not but at the same time we continue to give at the absolute limit of our means to people who maybe need IT more than we do. That'll probably never come back in this life time. I don't care.
God is eternal and nothing I do in my own strength will make that grade. Philippians 3-I guess we'll keep pressing on toward the mark. Man, do I know I'm not there. I can't imagine what that would be like.
Sledge hammer on a nail-We think God's gonna fix our problems.
Deed-We think ownership makes us something special...
Works-We tell everyone learn from their mistakes thinking that what works will continue to serve our purposes again and again but it isn't so.
Ends- We think the ends justify the means and anything that can bring an actual end has some form of merit and/or utilitarian power at least...
The truth is that real power starts when all other power ends. When death equals life the "Deep Magic" has shown itself and even the laws of life and death have been rewritten. Now, that's power.
Somethings in life make a lasting impression-They really stick in your mind, Ya know?
Yeah, that'll do it.
Go ye therefore and live anew. You can. IN Him, you can.
Pastor Daniel Stevenson
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